Continuing to Work from Home? Here are 10 Tips to Make You More Efficient

Continuing to Work from Home Here are 10 Tips to Make You More Efficient.png

With quarantines being relaxed across the globe, many of us are returning to our offices and returning to the normal before this pandemic started. But many of us have found that working from home can be as productive and rewarding as the office, and are working with our employers to continue working remotely. In fact, major companies like Twitter, Facebook and Zillow are allowing staff to continue to work from home for extended periods of time and in some cases, indefinitely. 

So how do you work remotely, efficiently? No, it’s not the latest Apple laptop or a new app for your phone. The good news is that you can increase your work efficiency with these simple tips that don’t cost anything. 

1. Dress like you’re going to work. 

Even if you won’t be seeing any coworkers that day, it’s important to shower, brush your teeth and dress like you’re going to the office. This routine will transition your brain into work mode, providing more energy and motivation. 

2. Make a list of priorities. 

This is so simple yet so effective. When you sit down at your home desk, make a list of your tasks for that day, prioritizing them in order. When planning your tasks, make sure you incorporate needed breaks. 

3. Make time for breaks and exercise. 

Speaking of breaks, your efficiency can be increased if you take regular time-outs throughout the day. Even better, schedule time to go for a run or get some exercise. This allows you to reset mentally, becoming more prepared to tackle new tasks and challenges. 

4. Maintain a work-life balance. 

One of the biggest challenges of working from home is to keep your work and personal lives separate. To do this, make sure you clock out at the same time each workday, trying not to work past it. If you do, you put yourself at risk of burning out. 

5. Work on a regular schedule. 

As we mentioned in the point before, it is important to stick to a normal work schedule to avoid burnout. One of the great things of working from home is that you don’t necessarily need to start your day at 9 am, but whatever schedule you do choose, stick to consistent hours and you will be more productive. 

6. Create a home office. 

To be efficient, it is important to set up a static workspace where you are comfortable and productive. Make sure you have a comfy, ergonomic chair with a computer, a good desk and any other tools to perform your tasks. 

7. Establish boundaries. 

Part of maintaining work-life balance and efficiency is to keep clear physical boundaries, separating your home workspace. If you have family or roommates, make sure it is clear that they are not to interrupt you during work hours unless it’s an emergency. 

8. Stay connected. 

You be efficient, you obviously need to stay connected with your coworkers – the collaboration and idea-sharing can benefit your work in so many ways. But also connect them on a personal level, helping maintain somewhat of a social, office-like environment. Use video conferencing software like Zoom (you may have heard about it, Microsoft Teams, or Facebook Messenger. 

9. Take advantage of technology. 

In addition to utilization the many communications options available, also take advantage of the equally as many project management tools such as Trello and Asana. These free tools will keep you organized, allowing you to hit your deadlines with quality work and increasing your efficiency. 

10. Enjoy it – You might be back in the office sooner than later 

In many cases, efficiency can increase for some people because they take advantage of what work-from-home life has to offer. Some people sleep a little later to be more rested for the work ahead. Some workers will play inspiring music that they couldn’t have in an office environment. Enjoy this flexible situation and what it has to offer, and your efficiency will thank you. 

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