Successfully Manage Your Company From Home

To stop the spread of COVID-19, companies throughout the US are adapting to their new work-from-home realities. Several industries are accustomed to working remotely or occasionally from home, making this transition a seamless one. However, for many companies, this change is significant and may be difficult to navigate for employers and employees alike. We have discussed engaging in healthy self-care practices while working from home, as well as effective ways to protect your remote workforce. This article will outline best practices for company owners and managers to help continue with successful business operations from home.  

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Stay Organized 

Regardless of your work environment, staying on top of things can be challenging – especially if you have several different tasks going on at once or are attempting to manage many moving parts. Digital tools that allow you to share projects and assignments with employees virtually, such as shared drives, will be very useful for working collaboratively with your team from home. It’s crucial that everyone has access to what they need to be productive. Shared platforms will facilitate the productivity of your team and are a great way to keep all of your important files, projects, and assignments in one place. 

Managing your finances is an additional organizational factor to consider. A digital bank will grant you access to both the resources for your company, as well as financial records. This feature is very useful in keeping track of employee payroll, revenue generation, and monitoring your company’s financial activity. 

Make Video-Conferencing Your Best Friend 

Since much of our communication is non-verbal, this key component is lost over regular audio calls. When managing a remote workforce, it’s useful to use video-conferencing tools as much as possible to communicate face-to-face and maintain a successful dialogue with your team during working hours. Several platforms are equipped with many other useful features, such as screen sharing, document sharing, and calendar integration, which increase the effectiveness and productivity of your business calls. Ensuring that your calendar and schedule are shared with your team is essential for scheduling meetings and streamlining communication processes within your organization. Lastly, set well-defined goals, reminders, and notifications for yourself and for your team throughout the day. This is a great way to ensure that you are accomplishing the tasks you have set out to complete. 

Communicating with your customer base is extremely important, as well – especially if your business had a primarily physical presence. If possible, establish an e-commerce platform to shift your store online and maintain open lines of communication with your clientele. It is important that your customers know that you are still open for business. 

Set Up Your Office 

As a business owner, you will have likely stressed the importance of setting up a designated home office to your employees. Make sure that you also take the time to do this for yourself, too. Setting up a home office is an important component of a positive at-home work environment. A designated space will help maintain regular productivity levels and contribute to your success as a remote manager or business owner. If you do not have the space available to allocate, make sure that you’re taking steps to minimize any possible distractions. The use of noise-canceling headphones might be a great way to stay focused in a noisy or disruptive environment. 

Consider Your Mental Health 

This is a very stressful and volatile time for many Americans. Being mindful of your mental health is essential, especially during a time like this. It’s no secret that working from home can be isolating, particularly if you’re used to a collaborative, bustling office environment. It’s a good idea to stick to a regular workday schedule, take breaks to move or exercise, make yourself nutritious meals, and stay connected to loved ones. A healthy work-life balance can be difficult to reach regardless of whether you are working from home or not. Not having the option to go into an office might blur your personal and professional life even more. Be mindful of this – make efforts to divide your two worlds and take time to preserve your mental health. 

Be Safe While Working From Home 

Just because you are not commuting to an office, does not mean that you can disregard your personal safety. Be mindful that hazards can still exist in the home. Protecting yourself and your remote workforce is essential. Given that many of your staff members will now be considered lone workers, safety should be a top concern. Conducting regular hazard assessments of your workspace is an effective way to identify the risks and mitigate them. Here are the best practices for protecting your employees who are working from home.  

Continuing with regular business operations from home will be challenging at first, but these best practices will make the transition for your company as straightforward and successful as possible. Digital tools, effective communication, being mindful of safety, and setting well-defined company goals will facilitate team collaboration and productivity – even with an entirely remote workforce. We hope that you and your team are staying safe and healthy during these unprecedented times.